Hey — I'm Fernando,

user interface designer.


My name is Fernando Soares, a self-taught designer with 13 years of experience.

Driven by curiosity, it all started when I was 12 years old. I learned the basics of HTML by writing tags in Notepad, saving them as .htm files, and viewing them in the browser. In the same way, I learned to design for the web using Fireworks, slicing layouts to turn them into web pages. In almost all my jobs, I worked on both design and coding, but now my focus is on design. I have also built websites, blogs, e-commerce sites, etc., using WordPress.

I believe that my knowledge of Front-End development helps me design real-world interfaces and solve problems with a holistic view of the product.

Download my CV.

What I Do

I design interfaces from concept to finish.

What I Use

I use Figma as my main tool for almost everything.

As a proccess I worked with SCRUM, design thinking, design sprint and double diamond.

Webflow and Wordpress as low-code tools.

About this website

This website is built with Astro, MDX and deployed with Github Actions.

Some animations with React and Framer Motion.

Inter with Discretionary Ligatures is the body font and Instrument Serif for headings.