Fictional logo that I created just for fun. Featured in Logo System.
Fictional logo that I created just for fun. Featured in Logo System.
Youtube thumbs/graphics I made for my buddy @nomadwel channel.
Icon app for a polaroid camera style.
An idea for no reason.
A quick way to change the payment method.
Hero exploration with some details for a upcoming project.
Progressive blur with mask on Figma.
Get the file on community.
Dynamic Island exploration for food delivery app. This shot was featured on Today In Design newsletter.
Experiment with reflection on hover.
My take on Arc Icons. Dark and Light versions.
Alternative app camera icon for iOS with the iPhone Cameras (in this case, iPhone 15).
A modern glossy/aqua button to remember the good old days of web design.
Analogic clock inspired on Ziiiro Watches. Every 2 hours it change the colors.
Unconventional music player.